Development of Indonesia IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
The development of information technology can improve the performance and allows an activity can be done quickly, precisely and accurately, so that eventually can increase productivity. Development of Information Technology showed different types of activities that are based on this technology, such as e-government, e-commerce, e-education, e-medicine, e-laboratory. That all the electronics based.
Information Technology is a technology that used to process data, including , obtain, store, manipulate data in different ways to get information to the quality of the logic information , accurate and timely information that is used for personal, business and government and inormasi which is strategic for decision making. This technology uses a set of computer data for process, the network system to connect one computer with other computers. In accordance with the needs and the technology that is easy to access and the assigned globally. Spur the development of information technology in a new way of life, from start to end of life. Life like this is called e-life means life has been influenced by a variety of needs electronically. And are now shining demgan various letters that begin with the prefix e, such as e-commerce, e-education, e-journal, e-medicine, e-government, e-laboratory, e-libraryi. And another one based electronics. Role of Information Technology In our daily life in the future, the Information Technology sector is the most dominant. Who are these technologies capable then he will become a leader in the world, Information Technology has a role in many areas, including: Education Sector (e-education) Globalization has triggered tend shift in education from the education in the face of conventional, towards a more open education. (M. Mukhopadhyay, 1995), for example in France we see the project "Flexible Learning ". This reminds Ivan Illich at the beginning of the forecast 70-year on an "Education without schools (Deschooling Socieiy)" that the teacher does not ekstrimnya longer needed. Tony Bates (1995) states that technology can improve the quality and range when used wisely for the education and training, and have a sense that is essential for economic prosperity. Romiszowski & Mason (1996) predicts the use of "Computer-based Multimedia Communication (CMC) "which are synchronized and asinkron From the view of the forecast and Cendikiawan above can be concluded that with the inclusion of the influence of globalization, the future of education will be more open and two-way, diverse, multidisipliner, and work productivity related to "immediately" and competitive. The trend of education in Indonesia in the future are: -The development of education with distance learning mode (Distance Learning). Easy to carry out education and distance learning needs entered as the main strategy. With resource-sharing among educational institutions / training in a network -Library & other instruments of education (teachers, laboratory) change the function into a source of information rather than bookshelves. -The use of interactive technology, such as CD-ROM Multimedia in education gradually replace the TV and Video. With the development of information technology in education, then at the time this is likely to be distance learning using the internet media to connect students with the lecturers, students see the value in online, check out their finances, see the lecture schedule, send the tasks given to lecturers and so forth, they can already be done. The main factor in distance learning, which is considered to be a problem is the lack of interaction between lecturers and students. However, with the internet media is very possible to make the interaction between lecturers and students both in the form of real time (real time) or not. In the form of real time can be done in a chatroom, for example, direct interaction with the real audio or real video, and online meeting. That is not real time can be done with the mailing list, discussion group, newsgroup, and bulletin board. With the way the faculty and student interaction in class may be replaced even if not 100%. Forms of materials, test, quiz, and how education can also be implemented into the web, such as materials in the form of lecturers made presentations on the web and can be downloaded by students. Similarly with the test and quizzes created by teachers can also be done in the same way. Currently, almost all the distance learning program in the United States, Australia and Europe can also be accessed via the internet. Studies done by the United States, strongly support developed e-learning, that is computer based learning effective, allows 30% better education, 40% of time is shorter, and costs 30% cheaper. World Bank (World Bank) in 1997, the program has announced the Global Distance Learning Network (GDLN), which has as many as 80 partner countries in the world. Through the GDLN is the World Bank can provide e-learning to students 5 times more (from 30 to be 150 students) with a cost 31% cheaper. In the global era, offers scholarships to appear on the internet. For most students in the world, tuition for the education of best is still generally perceived expensive. Amat be pitied, when students are proficient in the class can not continue just because the school can not afford pay tuition. Scholarship information is the key to success can help student who is a potential. Government in the field (e-government). E-government refers to the use of information technology by government, such as using the intranet and internet, which has the capability of the purposes, business, and other activities. Can process a business transaction between the public and the government through the automation system and internet network, better known as the more common world wide web. At its core e-government is the use of information technology can improve the relationship between the government and the another parties .use information technology is then generate new forms of relationships such as: G2C (Governmet to Citizen), G2B (Government to Business) and G2G (Government to Government). Benefits of e-government that can be perceived, among others: (1) Customer service is better for the community. Information can be provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without waiting when the office will be open. Information can be sought from the office, home, without having to physically come to the office of government. (2) Improvement of the relationship between government, business, and the general public. There is an openness (transparency) then the expected relationship between the various parties to be better. This openness to mutual distrust and regret of all parties. (3) Empowering people through information that is easily obtained. With the sufficient information, the public will learn to be able to determine the choice. For example, data about the school: the number of classes, student capacity, passing grade, and so forth, can be displayed online and used by parents choosing for schools that fit their children. Nevertheless the most important opinion is to delete one considers that the implementation of e-Government as a project, but is a system that will integrate the subsystem in all regions and departments. Finance and Banking When this has been a lot of economic actors, especially in big cities that no longer use the cash payment in the transaction, but have used modern banking services. Modern banking services that only have in big cities this can advised search because economic growth is still at this time concentrated in large cities only, which cause the rotation of money is also centrally in big cities. So that the banking sector is quite slow in presence search to these areas. This is a little more infrastructure caused by the condition at this time other than the geographic aspects of a Development of information systems in Indonesia development program information system (program 16.6.01) intended to developing information systems needed to improve the entrance information science and technology that occurred in the international world, facilitate the exchange and dissemination of information science and technology, and to improve the system of planning, management, monitoring activities and progress of science and technology. The amount of costs that the government issued to conduct studies, research, implementation of the field of control technology information during the period of fiscal year 1997/1998 to 2001 can be seen in Table below. The table below shows Budget (rupiah pure) for the development of information systems, fiscal year 1997/1998 to 2001 Table. Budget for the development of information systems years 1997/1998 to 2001 No-Budget Fiscal Year (millions of rupiah)
1 1997/1998 28,235
2 1998/1999 32,622
3 1999/2000 24,538
4 2000 52,236
5 2001 30,956
The development of information technology is influenced by the ability of human resources in understanding component technology information, such as hardware and software computer; system network such as LAN or WAN, and telecommunications system that will be used to transfer data. Needs akan energy-based information technology is still increasing, this can be seen with many types of work that requires the ability of technology information in various fields
also have ability the number of human resources in the field of technology still little information, compared with the population of Indonesia. Needed a national information technology framework that will establish the Indonesian community is ready to AFTA in 2003 that can provide universal access to information to the general public fairly and equitably, improve coordination and information usefulness optimal, increase efficiency and productivity, improve quality and quantity of resources humans, increasing the utilization of information technology infrastructure, including the implementation of laws and regulations that support
-Natakusumah, EK, "The Development of Information Technology in Indonesia." Informatics Research Center - LIPI Bandung, 2002